Prayer Practitioners
are here to support you!
The role of the practitioner is to know the Truth for you, in the midst of your current situation. Practitioners firmly believe that “With God, all things are possible.” Talk to a Practitioner if you are in need of inspiration, a celebration of a major event in your life, and/or healing in any area: financial, relational, health, or career. You are God’s wondrous gift. Let a Practitioner remind you of that!
Licensed Spiritual Practitioners (RScP) contribute to the spiritual welfare of our community by continually affirming the Oneness of all Life. Practitioners are committed to living a spirit-based life cultivated by the daily practices of: meditation, compassionate service, and affirmative prayer.
Practitioners are available for prayer after service on Sundays. You can recognize when a practitioner is in service to the community by the white stole they wear around their necks.
Practitioners never charge for prayer, but they are available during the week for private, individual guidance on a fee basis. The fee is charged for the practitioner’s time, training, skill and professional knowledge of Science of Mind principles. Your interaction with the practitioner is based on integrity, trust and strict confidentiality.
Special Blessing for Those Grieving
We are a community that takes care of each other. A lot is happening right now in the world. Many of us are grieving and we want to support those here and online who are in active grief.
If you are experiencing grief, bereavement, or anticipatory grief, right now - as your Spiritual Community, we want you to know that you are not alone, and we are here to support you during this tender time.

Pastoral Care Ministry
Vision: Being a Healing Presence by connecting Spirit to Spirit and Heart to Heart.
Mission: To provide Pastoral Care to our congregants by being in service with compassion, respect, and confidentiality.
This Ministry is available for hospital/facility, home visits, and prayer calls. Contact Practitioner Barb Jennings-Garant through the office at 503-296-9922 and leave a message.
Prayer Shawls

The NTCSL Prayer Shawl Ministry lovingly and prayerfully knits shawls that are available at the Center. These may be given to a congregant who might be experiencing a health or other challenge. A prayer shawl wrapped around the shoulders surrounds one with the healing Presence of the Divine, bringing comfort and ease.
If you know of someone in need, please contact the office, at 503.296.9922 and leave a message, or email
Caring Corner Food Pantry

We have a large selection of food and non-food essentials
Mary Kinghorn, our Facilities Manager, will be there to assist, if needed. There will be some shopping bags available, and it is suggested each person bring their own as well.
If you would like to donate, our Caring Corner Food Pantry is always grateful for non-perishable, non-expired, and unopened items including peanut butter, pasta, pasta sauce, rice, toilet paper, and paper towels. Donations can be placed anytime in the bin at the 10th Street entrance or in the blue bin in the lobby during regular hours.
For questions or more information, please contact Mary at